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Customer Testimonials

"Amazing service. Amazing help. I have a lot going on and the relief I felt after this long awaited visit was wonderful. I wish I could have everyone I know that has issues seriously give her a try, her goal is get you better, not coming back week after week. Although her personality and experience will want you continue. Ten Star Service!!!!"   CS

"Tanya is very friendly and made me feel comfortable. Everything was explained as it was happening. I felt my body relaxing during the entire healing treatment and felt much better immediately. So much released in one hour than had released in several weeks of other therapies. I'm extremely satisfied!"  Tracy P

"The benefits of having Tanya work on my body are multiple. I could never manage without her amazing skills and knowledge level!!!! She is awesome! I am truly grateful for all the benefits I receive."  Margaret S

"Tanya has so much knowledge and education. Her healing hands and positive energy are amazing! Truly a miracle worker. She is incredibly talented and gifted." Kristen S

"Tanya helped me gain more than 30% range of motion in my shoulder after 1 session. She did this after many sessions of physical therapy did not help. She is truly gifted!" Rosemary O

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